Certification of recreational crafts and personal watercrafts

Certification of recreational crafts and personal watercrafts

Existing in its present form since 1995, the CE marking indicates the compliance with EU legislation of a product, wherever in the world manufactured, and enables its free movement within the European market.

By affixing the CE marking on a product, a manufacturer is declaring, at its sole responsibility, conformity with all of the legal requirements to achieve CE marking which allows free movement and sale of the product throughout the European Economic Area. CE marking is intended for national market surveillance and enforcement authorities.

EAIC performs certification of recreational crafts and personal watercrafts in accordance with EU Directive 2013/53. Depending on the craft type the manufacturer can choose an appropriate conformity assessment module. Description of the assessment modules are described in the Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. For the craft from outside the European Union the applicable assessment module is PCA (Post Construction Assessment).

For more information you can contact us: eaincert[at]eaincert.eu

Certification of marine equipment

European Union Directive 2014/90/EC “Marine Equipment Directive”

This Directive applies to equipment described in Directive 2015/559 and placed on boards of ships sailing under EU flags, even if they were constructed outside of the EU;

We provide an assessment of conformity of marine equipment to ensure the quality of equipment before being placed on the market and to check marine equipment when issuing or renewing the safety certificate.

Equipment conforming to European Standards must bear a conformity mark – “wheelmark”.

Where a vessel, which is to be transferred to the register of a Member State is not registered in the EU, that State carries out an inspection in order to establish the actual condition of the equipment and whether it complies with European standards.

If a piece of equipment may compromise the health and/or safety of the crew or passengers, or to damage the marine environment, the Member State responsible shall withdraw it from the market, prohibit or restrict its use. Certain types of marine equipment require international testing standards to be adopted. In cases where international organisations do not adopt the standards within a reasonable timescale, the standards of European standardisation organisations may be applied.